it's a little hard to convey that it's my flashlight when I record and spectate them trying to prove they don't even use the flashlight, they just know where props are without trying. When you die as a hunter with it on, it's impossible to turn it off, and as I frequently come across ghosters, cheaters, hackers, etc. I would also add a fix for the flashlight if possible. I don't know what I could say about this, especially since I'm newer and joined this server around sometime late last year, but I pretty much agree with what everyone has said here. It shows 2nd and 3rd place players the same exact rewards while they actually give less than shown.

This will fix the bug that occasionally duplicates rewards. Edit the point shop plugin/addon (if possible) to add a box opening cooldown just as the gambling machine has a cooldown.It also confuses them into thinking it is a prop. A system for a grace period to sell removed models then deletes them automatically so people can not appear as errors.To new players, this issue can be a turn-off and make them think they need some game they do not want to get to see the props that should already be there. Alternatively, add some useful, common commands in the MOTD followed by and brief summary of what they can do. If it can be helped, fix the issue of props disappearing and causing a massive amount of issues in the console as well the negative effect on performance for the player.

It has culling bugs, an abundance of nonsolid brushes that props can submerge inside of, and could be touched up via brushwork and bug fixing. Whether by the creator or someone else (maybe me if he is trusting). Faster response to a map's removal from the workshop and the issues that ensue.The missing textures as pictures for maps in votes.